Thursday, September 17, 2009

Negligent Blogger Alert

Yes, I've been a negligent blogger...can I use the new mom excuse? I still can't seem to get much done even though Luna is now 7 months old. I'm sure it will continue like this for the next 18 years as well?! So much has happened since I last wrote. We took a trip to Pacific Beach for a week with my parents. It was a relaxing time with many long walks on the beach and bare baby buns in the sun.
Bare buns

The same day we returned from the beach, we left for a weekend long wedding on Lummi Island (we highly recommend The Willows B&B) that Gig had the honor of playing guitar during the ceremony.

Luna is starting to chunk up a bit in the thighs (well, chunky for her...10 oz in 1 week!) thanks to the addition of full cream and avocados to her diet, she is crawling now (let the baby proofing begin), pulling herself up to stand, and consequently, falling a lot more. She is becoming very verbal with yelling and terradactyl noises, along with lots of "mamamamama". I'm going with the belief she's really saying "mama" and not just babbling. She's such a happy girl and makes us laugh all of the time.

Fun in the laundry basket ...... Bathtime in the sink

Kale cheeks and blueberry lip

New high chair ..... Monkey see, Monkey do

Wanna race?..... I may be walking sooner than you think.
We are house hunting and will be making the big move to Spokane near the end of October where I have accepted a new job at St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute working in the stroke unit. Gig on the other hand, has accepted a new position as homemaker and full-time daddy. We are looking forward to being closer to my sister and her family. Growing up we rarely saw our cousins, so I look forward to the 3 girls growing up together. We are also looking forward to the adventures a new city brings and being first-time home owners.
The garden treated us very well this year, most plants are dying off now, but we harvested pumpkins, acorn and butternut squash the other day. We continue to harvest tomatoes, greens, red cabbage and plums as well. We've been making yummy soups every night this week with fresh garden veggies. Homemade tomato basil, butternut squash & potatoes, and tonight was black bean and collard green. YUMMY! For dessert, plum buttermilk sherbert (thanks to the Italian plum trees in the backyard), and plum crumble. Luna is loving pureed plums for breakfast and kale, zuchinni, or green beans for dinner. All home grown! Planning to make plum jam this weekend. We are very behind in harvesting, once again, blame it on the baby. Luna has a new tree swing that I traded veggies for and she's more than happy to hang out in it while we pick plums.

Hope you've enjoyed this peek into our lives. Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us.


  1. Love the update Jenn! Your garden looks like it was amazing. You should be very proud of your skills. Luna's adorable as always!

  2. Congrats on the new job and pending move! We will be visiting you in Spokane in the near future and hope you'll come hang in our new neck of the woods when we finally get there!
