We had our first visit with a pediatrician. Luna was previously seeing our family doctor, but we felt we weren't getting the time and detail we wanted. There had been some concerns about her weight and at her 4 month check-up they said she had dropped from the 35th to the 5th percentile in weight. Her height/length had also dropped down on the charts dramatically as well. I take her to get weighed by a lactation consultant every week and her weights had been a bit sporadic. She only gained 1oz in 2 weeks and then surprised us with 8oz the following week. Not sure what the deal was?! So, met with the new doc and was very impressed. I wasn't worried about Luna too much because she is so happy and healthy, but I wanted someone on our side to support breastfeeding and to make sure her weight didn't drop further off the chart. Turns out our previous doctor measured her height wrong! She's currently 25 1/4", in the 75th percentile! Her weight has dropped on the charts, but she's still above the 10th percentile and she's on an upward trend, currently at 12lbs 7oz. Around 2 months she plateaued a bit and he said he would have been concerned then, but since she's gaining now we're doing well. I started taking herbs to increase my milk supply and it's almost doubled now! So we know that's not a concern any longer. The Doc said that new research shows earlier intro to foods (between 4-6 mo) actually decreases likelihood of allergies (rather than previous beliefs of the opposite), so we trialed a bit of homemade brown rice cereal. As you can

see, Luna is in the 100

th percentile for cuteness!