The Schlich Family Four
Adventures in Familihood...
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sweet Successes and Thankfulness
Saturday, November 19, 2011
We harvested kale, carrots, garlic, chard, cucumbers, zucchini, leeks, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, beans, peas, tomatillos, tomotoes, winter squash, basil, cilantro and 5 blueberries this year. Kind people let us harvest their raspberries and cherries, and we made jam. Future years will bring us our own fruit as we planted apple, plum and peach trees, grapes and raspberries. The gardens are put to bed for the year with garlic and asparagus nestled in the cold earth. More garden space awaits us next year. The joy of permaculture!
Ruby is eating again! She is taking a bottle and has started spoon foods also. She has a good appetite and is gaining weight well. We are glad for the tube to be gone and hope it's smooth sailing from here on out. I am very pro-breastfeeding and admit I've had my judgements for bottle feeders. Ruby reminds me that everyone has their own story that you may just not be privy to knowing. I think Ruby will make me a better person. Ruby just had her 6 month checkup with glowing reports. The doctor typically hands out a list of milestones at each checkup, but has realized we're not interested. We found a book at the library called, "Ruby in her own time". It rings so true. I remember worrying Luna wasn't reaching a milestone by some set time a book said she was supposed to. With Ruby, it's all in her own time. She is the strongest little baby, and is developing in her own way and her own timeline, no expectations.
Luna is starting to enjoy her role of big sister. She introduces her "baby" to strangers, holds Ruby's hand while we read stories, and brings smiles to Ruby's face faster than anyone can.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Miracles of Medicine... and my Kick Ass Kid!
Waiting for surgery |
Tubes and machines galore |
No, that's not a bomb strapped to her chest |
There's that smile and HUGE belly |
Heart surgery teddy bear with lines and bandages just like Ruby's |